Design Team Wrapped logo

What did your team get up to in Figma this year?

Paste in the link of your team, and we'll count up the files and comments and show you where the action was.

Where to find the team link

Ctrl-click or right-click on the team name in the file browser of Figma and choose "Copy link". Be sure not to click on an organisation or project. This only works with teams.

It should look something like

Screenshot of how to right-click on a team in Figma and copy the link.

Security and privacy

We'll ask you to authorize access to your account, but all data will be requested and processed by your browser — not sent to our servers. We don't store the access token, but for peace of mind just revoke access in Figma's Settings > Connected Apps once you're done.

You can see the source on GitHub, and even run it locally if you prefer.

This is an experiment by @jamiemill. There might be bugs. Read the Licence and Get the code on GitHub.

P.S. I'm looking for design leadership work in early-stage companies. Hire me! ♥️